Wednesday, August 30, 2006

This one time...on the Greyhound...

So this one time...on the Greyhound...I was coming home from my fantastic time in Calgary. I sat by this girl and we chatted alot! I have started to start all my stories with.."so, this one time..." I did this when I was telling this girl something, and she started to laugh...So I asked her about it. Turns out she went to a Band Camp in BC, and guess what instrument she played?! None other but the flute! Poor girl. She says she gets bugged to no end. Just thought I'd share this bizarre and random story with you!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

The one word that means so much...

I was just lying in bed listening to a fantastic song by Buckcherry, no not that one…I was thinking about some conversations that I had while I was away in Calgary. And I had some inspiration, and felt the incredible urge to blog. About love.

1love \'l&v\noun\ 1 a (1) : strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties 2 : warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion 3 a : the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration b (1) : a beloved person 4 a : unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another

2love\ verb\ 1 : to hold dear 2 a : to feel a lover's passion, devotion, or tenderness for b (1) : caress (2) : to fondle amorously (3) : to copulate with
3 : to like or desire actively : take pleasure in
4 : to thrive in
intransitive verb : to feel affection or experience desire

A friend of mine in Calgary asked me if I believed in love. It was just about the strangest question someone has ever asked me. Do I believe in love? That’s like asking if I believe the sky is blue?! Of course its blue…of course there is love! Strangely, after he asked me, I questioned what I believed, or rather just assumed. He said he’s not sure if he believes in love. I was just thinking of that conversation, and a question popped up in my mind….What is love? We have all heard the… ‘Love is patient, love is kind…’ But I think those are merely characteristics of love. Love itself, is it a feeling? Is it a state of being? What exactly is it? I remember asking someone what love was…they responded something like, “Oh, its just something you’ll have to experience. It just can’t be described.” It made me wonder, if they, being married, even knew what love was or if they were even in love. I’ve also heard that men are incapable of falling in love. Do they really posses those kind of feeling? Or is it even a feeling?! I don’t believe I have ever been in love, and I often wonder if I really feel love towards other people, since I have yet to really nail down what love is. So, here is the deal…this is an interactive post. That means that you have to tell me what you think love is…or share a story about being in love, or really anything that will give myself, and my readers insight into love. Feel free to say exactly what is on your mind…if you don’t believe in love or whatever your view of love is, I’m sure you are not the only one to feel that way, so tell us what you think, I won’t judge anything you say! Above are the two definitions of love, the noun and verb form…maybe it will help you.

Here…I’ll go first….I believe that love is not so much a feeling…but just the inability to live without a certain person. The desire and willingness to do anything for them, whether it harms you or not. Being in complete bliss to be in their presence. Not wanting harm to ever come to them. Wanting to give someone the best of everything, and wanting their continual happiness. Putting their feelings and concerns above everything. I really like…4 : to thrive in . When you are with people or just one person you love, you should thrive, similar to a flower…at least I think. I don’t think love has anything to do with anything sexual, but rather your emotions and actions.

That is my opinion on love, and now, you get to share…only if you want. But I’d really appreciate it if you did!!

Song of the Week: Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Waiting for a gooder...

This summer, I had the good fortune of working with a fantastic, beautiful person! I’m not sure if she is aware, but she silently encouraged and inspired me through her actions and her unspoken thoughts. She had a contagious joy that literally oozed making it impossible to be grumpy around her! One day, while digging for tubers, we were talking about boys. After much talk of the not so impressive boys that we had crossed paths with, we both promised that we would wait for a ‘gooder’. I sit here tonight, thinking of that promise. I tend to be a pessimistic person, not one to see the glass as half full. Is there really a gooder out there for everyone? If you look around our society today…how many marriages end happily ever after? What is the percentage of divorce? I don’t know the numbers, but I would guess they are quite high. Where are these gooders hiding if so many people’s marriages or relationships don’t last? Do we spend our life searching for a gooder, but give up and decide to settle with the next best thing? Is that why marriage has become a joke…no one is patient enough to continue the gooder search? We may not be patient enough, but what if, when we start our search, we are just being entirely too optimistic. Tonight, I choose to be optimistic that there is a gooder out there for everyone, especially me, and that we just need to do a little looking to find them. I hope to keep my promise of finding a gooder. I also hope that I am not one to settle with the next best thing. I encourage everyone to join me in my search for a gooder.
I want to thank Kara for making me realize that I don’t have to settle, and although I hated them, thanks for all the ‘sad looks’. I really needed them! To everyone else…Good luck ‘gooder’ searching…don’t give up!

Song of the week: "Sexy Back" - Justin Timberlake (Fantastic song!)