There comes a limit...
You know that feeling you get after eating a huge meal, such as a turkey dinner, where you think your buttons may actually pop, or your pants need to be loosened? Ever notice that while you enjoy your meal tremendously, afterward you feel horrible? Life's the same way. A situation will be really enjoyable, until you reach your limit...then you realize that you should have stopped long ago. You were caught up in the 'flavor and juiciness' of it, and unable to put your fork down. Why, while savoring it, can you not remember the horrible feeling that follows? With every bite the pain and discomfort that will be felt will increase. One more bite....just one more bite, you may say. I've forced the last bite down, and now I feel the pain and discomfort, rather than my stomach, I feel it in my heart and butt. I got caught up in enjoying every mouthful, oblivious to my heart yelling...ENOUGH!! Why didn't I learn the first time? Second time? Numous other times? It will be a continuous battle not just for me. Savour every bite, but know your limit...listen to your stomach, mind, and heart!